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Another Southern Ill story by Baster

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  • Another Southern Ill story by Baster

    As a teenager, I was hanging out as usual in a little town called Mounds, Ill. I'm standing there talking to a few girls when this guy came up to me and said "GIVE ME A CIGARETTE"! I told him no and kept talking to the girls. Not liking my response, he got in my face and asked again. I again told him no and mentioned that it was my last one. He physically snatched the Marlboro box out of my pocket and TOOK the cig.

    He glared at me and said "what are you gonna do, pussy?" It was tough, but I kept my cool and walked away thinking it wasn't worth getting into a fight over a stupid cig.

    I thought about what he did and decided to get this punk and embarass him like he had embarrassed me. I went a bought some of those cigarette "loads". If you don't know what a cig load is, they kinda look like a white splinter and explode like a mini firecracker when flame hits them. So I emptied another box of Marlboros and put loads in three of them hoping I'd see this clown again.

    I went back to the hangout hoping he'd be there, but for two weeks he was nowhere to be found. Then one day I'm standing there talking to the same girls when he walked up to me and said "give me a MF'n cigarette!" I told him NO, not this time buddy! I played the game and finally he grabbed the box out of my pocket and with a smug look on his face, lit the cig and took a big drag with satisfaction. All of a sudden...POW! The cig had literally exploded! Everybody fell on the ground laughing at his ass. He looked at me and all he could say was the F word!

    Needless to say, he never asked me for a cigarette again.

    Ok...the story doesn't end here. I needed to go into Mounds to cruise and asked my brother if I could use his '57 Belair. As I entered the area where everybody hung out, I opened my Marlboro box and lit one. Just as I'm shifting into 2nd gear...POW! There was a cig load that exploded in my face! I don't know if I forgot to get rid of the ones I had loaded or if my brother or someone else had sabotaged me. To this day I don't know.

    By Baster

  • #2
    All I can say well.............................................. ........................BANG.......

